A Guide to Micro Frontend Architecture with Module Federation

Frontend development has seen incredible advancements in recent years and one of the most exciting concepts to emerge is “Micro Frontends.” This approach lets developers create scalable and modular frontend applications. When combined with “Module Federation,” an essential tool for sharing code between micro frontends, it creates a flexible and efficient development setup.

In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll explore what micro frontends are and how to use Module Federation to unleash their full potential.

What is Module Federation?

Module Federation, powered by Webpack (a popular build tool), is a clever technique that perfectly complements the idea of micro frontends. It allows different modules from various micro frontends to be loaded and shared dynamically across your application, preventing the need for duplicate code. By using Module Federation, developers can build an environment where micro frontends interact smoothly and share important resources like components, styles, and state management.

How to Implement Module Federation?

To implement Module Federation, you need to follow these simple steps:

Configuration: Each micro frontend should have a webpack configuration file that specifies which modules it wants to share and expose to other micro frontends.

Shared Modules: Identify the modules that need to be shared across micro frontends and define them as shared modules in the webpack configuration. This ensures that modules are not duplicated and loaded only once.

Remote Entry Points: Each micro frontend should expose its components and features through a remote entry point, allowing other micro frontends to access its resources.

Consuming Remote Modules: In the micro frontend that wants to use the shared modules, import them from the remote entry point and use them just like any other local dependencies.

Runtime Integration: Module Federation handles the dynamic loading of remote modules during runtime, ensuring necessary dependencies are available for each micro frontend.

Understanding Micro Frontends

Think of micro frontends as following the same principles as microservices in back-end development. It involves breaking down a large monolithic frontend application into smaller, loosely connected modules or micro frontends. Each micro frontend has a specific responsibility, such as managing a feature or functionality. These micro frontends can be developed, tested, deployed, and scaled independently, giving development teams the freedom to work autonomously and deliver updates faster.

To help you get hands-on experience with Module Federation, we’ve created a sample repository on GitHub that showcases the implementation of this architecture. You can access the code and follow the example by visiting this link: https://github.com/sbendalam/module-federation and follow the readme file.

In this example, there are three separate applications:

  • Host (built with React)
  • Remote (built with React)
  • Second Remote (built with Vue.js)

Module Federation allows us to create two independent remote components and use them in our host application. The exciting thing is that Module Federation lets developers choose their preferred tech stack for each component. In this example, the host is developed in React, while the second remote is developed in Vue.js.

Benefits of Micro Frontends

Scalability: Micro frontends make it easy to scale specific components that need more resources without affecting the entire application.
Autonomy: Development teams can work independently on their respective micro frontends, making it easy to parallelize development efforts and reduce the risk of conflicts.
Improved Performance: By breaking down the frontend into smaller modules, users only load the specific micro frontend required for a particular page. This results in faster load times and improved performance.
Technology Diversity: Micro frontends allow teams to choose the most suitable technology stack for their specific module, promoting experimentation and flexibility.

Advanced Techniques in Module Federation:

Dynamic Module Loading: Module Federation excels at dynamically loading modules at runtime, but developers can take it a step further by implementing lazy loading strategies. By strategically loading modules based on user interactions or page navigation, developers can further optimize performance and reduce initial bundle size.

Versioning and Dependency Management: As the number of micro frontends grows, managing dependencies and ensuring compatibility becomes crucial. Utilizing tools like Semantic Versioning (SemVer) and dependency graphs can help streamline versioning and dependency management processes, ensuring smooth integration and updates across micro frontends.

Optimizing Bundle Size: While Module Federation helps prevent code duplication, it’s essential to optimize bundle size, especially in large-scale applications. Techniques like tree shaking, code splitting, and webpack optimizations can significantly reduce bundle size and improve load times without sacrificing functionality.

Challenges and Best Practices:

Cross-Cutting Concerns: Managing cross-cutting concerns such as authentication, routing, and internationalization across micro frontends can be challenging. Adopting a shared services approach or utilizing frameworks like single-spa can help address these challenges effectively.

Consistent UI/UX: Maintaining a consistent UI/UX across micro frontends is essential for providing a seamless user experience. Establishing design systems, style guides, and UI component libraries can ensure consistency while still allowing individual micro frontends to innovate and evolve independently.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Testing becomes more complex in a micro frontend architecture due to the distributed nature of components. Implementing end-to-end testing strategies, contract testing between micro frontends, and continuous integration pipelines can help ensure the overall quality and reliability of the application.


In summary, Micro frontends combined with Module Federation, offer a powerful approach to building scalable and modular frontend applications. By breaking down monolithic architectures and sharing code effectively, developers can create flexible and efficient ecosystems. The provided example on GitHub offers a practical demonstration of implementing Module Federation in a micro frontend architecture.

About the author

Sai Krishna Bendalam

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