I recently had an opportunity to attend an event on API/Microservices driven transformation. The speaker was a well-accomplished professional with several years of experience in working with Integration technologies. The speaker went over the advantages of Microservices based design by..
The fancy world of IoT Testing
IoT and Testing What is the Internet of Things(IoT)? IoT stands for the Internet of Things. It refers to the interconnection of uniquely identifiable computing like devices with the internet. IoT allows users to remotely control the devices over the network. Per McKinsey’s report, around 30..
SQL (or) NoSQL – what to choose?
More and more data is being created every day. Everyone might have heard that 90% of the world’s data has been created in the last 2 years alone. Ever wonder where and how that much data can be stored (or) which database should we choose to store that data? Data is very crucial for business..
The Evolution – User Interface (UI) to User Experience (UX)
Since the introduction of client-server architecture applications, the success of applications was measured on the availability of features, the richness of functionality and its technical merits. Having User Interface was good but it was not a deciding factor and relatively less emphasis was..
The 7 Best Practices for building your own Enterprise Chat Bot
‘Bots are the new Apps’ – We all know that 2016 marked the rise of cognitive, and with that, it also brought conversational agents (or) chatbots to the forefront of enterprise innovation. They give you more scalability, reduce your costs and enhance user experiences..
Our Experiences creating Miracle’s Private Cloud with OpenStack
The path to getting your applications to the cloud starts with first choosing your underlying cloud infrastructure. OpenStack, an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), provides an open-source solution that can transform your existing data center into an on-premise cloud platform. OpenStack is..
Contextual Mobile Experiences with IBM Mobile First
Today’s Digital Marketers recognize the power of push and are aggressively integrating these real-time notifications into their Mobile Marketing strategies. The power of the push depends on your perspective. To users, the push notification represents instant access to information with..
Bringing the power of the API Economy to IBM Websphere Commerce
10 years ago, any enterprise large (or) small that didn’t have a website was not seen as a legitimate venture. Today, the same holds true for the API Economy. The advent of Mobile and Social is churning together a new Digital Era where those who fail to innovate end up being disrupted..
Simplifying the IoT Realization Process with IBM Bluemix and Raspberry Pi
The age of the Internet is transforming into a new age of devices and sensors. With 5 Billion connected devices available today, experts expect the total to go up to 50 Billion by 2020. From Retailers to Manufacturers, Utilities to Financial Firms, the Enterprise is seeing a shift towards the..
Bring the power of your Cloud investments to Mobile with IBM MobileFirst and CastIron
38% of today’s enterprises are using SaaS-based applications for their daily operations. 91% of today’s Fortune 500 companies are using (or) testing the involvement of Mobility in their Business Processes. The Digital Economy, a Consumer-Centric market..